Travel is my side hustle. Okay, it's my main hustle. On second thought, "hustle doesn't accurately describe my stress-free, untethered life. So maybe I should replace that word with "life purpose". That sounds better already. I always knew that I would roam this planet with carefree, Tigger-like abandon. Who's Tigger? He's that zany, spontaneous, larger than life character from A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh series. He's best known for his pronounced, unapologetic bounce.
With that said, I enthusiastically bounced from one Swiss playground to the next as Switzerland's idyllic landscape unfolded before me. By embodying Tigger and his unbridled energy, I unleashed my inner child as I gallivanted across breathtaking terrain.
While writing this trip recap, I wondered what Tigger would do if he had to traverse thousands of kilometers in only 8 short days. Stay in one spot? Heck no. He would visit all the places that filled his heart with joy. That's exactly what I did during my epic trek across the Swiss Alps. Here are the top ten activities that activated my inner Tigger. I invite you to unleash yours as well.
1. Destination Matterhorn - Gornergrat (10,132 feet)
Seeing the majestic Matterhorn first-hand gave me goose pimples for days! Imagine playing peek-a-boo with this iconic mountain as the weather vacillated between zero visibility and clear skies.

It would have taken days and plenty of physical stamina to get there. Instead, I boarded the train from Zermatt to Gornergrat and saved my Tigger legs from unnecessary exertion.
2. Glacial Express Train - Swiss Alps
The Glacier Express train is often referred to as the "slowest express train in Europe". Despite the alpine crawl, it was one of the most picturesque treks I have ever taken.

This 2-minute video chronicles my highly-memorable excursion. Narrated by Myra "the frog" - aka my sick self.
3. Swiss Riviera + Zermatt
One of my trip highlights involved a scenic road trip from Montreux to Zermatt, a resort town at the base of the Matterhorn. The Swiss Riviera temporarily calmed my Tigger-like reflexes with its extremely tranquil setting.

My road trip included stops at Chillon Castle and Relais du Saint-Bernard. I highly recommend devouring a gruyere cheese fondue after such a long journey.
4. Bern
What's not to love about Bern, the capital of Switzerland? Our coach stopped for several hours at this quaint, medieval town.

The Duke who founded Bern wanted to name the city after the first animal he shot. Can you guess which animal it was? Watch and find out.
5. Saint Moritz
What a gorgeous backdrop for two former Winter Olympics. With only a few hours to roam, I set off to explore. Check out the serene alpine surroundings during the quiet off-season.

6. Swiss Horse Ride - Pontresina
What does true freedom mean to me? 3 years of untethered world exploration. 28 countries so far, yet I have barely scratched the surface of my globetrotting adventure.

I kick this celebration off with Swiss horses and Schnapps along the Val Roseg.
7. Lucerne
Follow me as I bounce through Lucerne's city streets while experiencing traditional Swiss culture.

Video features the Lion Monument, Chapel and Plague bridges, and a traditional 3-course meal with heart-pumping entertainment. I did plenty of Tigger-bouncing with the locals.
8. Mount Pilatus
Traveled thousands of miles to see Mount Pilatus, but poor visibility impeded my view until the clouds parted to reveal the snow-capped wonder.

Watch as I ascend 7,000 feet via gondola and tram. Unfortunately, the cloud cover made it difficult to see the steepest cogway in the world. Hot chocolate and Schnapps to the rescue.
9. Geneva
Geneva is home to 150 international organizations including FIFA and the United Nations. You will also find plenty of "knobby" willows throughout the city. These trees gave off an ethereal glow as I strolled around Lake Geneva.

I share several tidbits about this cosmopolitan, French-speaking city while marveling at well known landmarks such as Jet d'Eau and the Floral Clock. I also rattle off a few Swiss inventions...some surprising ones at that.
10. Zurich
This financial epicenter served as the entry and exit point for my trip. Since I didn't spend much time there, I made sure to jump on the first train to Old Town. These alleys are quintessential Europe - festive, colorful, and thriving. Watch out for these dining establishments. Food can be extremely expensive throughout Switzerland.

Switzerland is a mesmerizing playground, which I liken to a fondue pot filled with tantalizing food, culture, and topography. I used the Tigger metaphor to describe my trip since it truly encapsulated how I felt throughout my Swiss adventure - JOY beyond all comprehension. I love my Tigger-inspired life. You will too.
Photo Gallery: To access my top photo highlights, click here.
Gate1 Travel: I highly recommend booking a guided excursion to cover as much ground as possible. Click here to view my Gate1 itinerary.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
#Matterhorn #Gornergrat #Switzerland #GlacierExpressTrain #SwissRiviera #Montreux #Zermatt #ChillonCastle #RelaisduSaintBernard #Bern #SaintMoritz #Pontresina #ValRoseg #Lucerne #LionMonument #Chapelbridge #PlagueBridge #Switzerlandtravel #MountPilatus #OldTownZurich #Zurich #Geneva #LakeGeneva #JetdEau #FloralClock